TaiKoo Hui Sustainable Washroom

A Contemporary Abstraction of Nature

A bright grotto, a contemporary abstraction of nature, to refresh shoppers amidst the dazzling commodities, is our design concept for the underground toilet. Cyclorama setting is adopted, new white wall wrap around existing columns and wall to join the ceiling seamlessly with curve surfaces, create a bright and clean ambient. Idea of recycle/reuse is made visible by showing the reused aggregates on floor, and plants irrigated by local grey water.

A bright grotto–a contemporary abstraction of nature–is the design concept for the TaiKoo Hui Sustainable Washroom. Designed by Ida&Billy Architects, this underground washroom aims to raise environmental awareness in the public realm and become a role model of sustainability in the commercial and retail sector. The design ties back to nature, both in form and function, with sustainability, spatial sculpting, and human comfort driving the entire design process.

The grotto retains the original layout while uncovering two round, tilted square columns to form a unique white mass. Seamless curved surfaces diffuse light and eliminate dirty edges, creating a bright and clean ambiance. Indoor plants, irrigated by filtered greywater, purify the air, add life, and bring in the colors of nature. The original sandstones are crushed and used as gold aggregates in the new terrazzo floor, showcasing the idea of recycling and reuse.

The TaiKoo Hui Sustainable Washroom incorporates various sustainable features and products. Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum (GRG) panels are used to form the curved surfaces and ceilings, minimizing excessive framing and utilizing post-consumer recycled material. Integrated water tap cum hand dryers, waterless urinals, vacuum toilets, and water-saving WC are applied to reduce water usage by 80% and waste volume by 60% on a daily basis. LED lighting fixtures help save electrical consumption and maintenance costs.

The washroom, located in the prime shopping mall of TaiKoo Hui in the Tianhe commercial center of Guangzhou, China, was completed in February 2016. The design project started in June 2015 and received wide coverage in local media due to its popularity and positive reception from the public.

The TaiKoo Hui Sustainable Washroom was awarded the Silver A' Design Award in 2016 in the category of Sustainable Products, Projects, and Green Design. This prestigious award recognizes the design's outstanding expertise, innovation, technical characteristics, and artistic skill. The washroom's excellence and positive impact on users evoke feelings of amazement and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ida&Billy Architects
Image Credits: Image #1,2,3,4,5: Ida&Billy Architects
Project Team Members: Designer: Ida Sze, Billy Chan Project Manager: Michelle Tam
Project Name: Grotto
Project Client: Ida&Billy Architects

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